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Milking Machines Of Cow Early![]() The devices earliest to milk mechanical were tubes inserted in milkwith the force open the muscle of sphincter, of this fact making itpossible milk to run. Tubes out of wooden were used for this purpose,as well as of the pirns of feather. Skilfully made tubes of the money,gutta-perched, of the ivory, and of the pure bones were launched onthe market in century of mid-19th, and, in fact, some still were wellsold in the 20th century. A novel milking the tube illustrated in Scientific American in 1875, used a valve of slide at the bottom of each catheter to beclosed in addition to opening. One granted several patents of theUNITED STATES to milk jointed tubes by flexible rubber piping todirect milk in the bucket. Wide piping increased the already currentproblem of the contamination with the use of the catheters. To milk catheter was blamed for various problems, such as thediffusion of the disease, weakened muscles of sphincter causing thecontinuous streaming, and damage with let us milk. In 1868, the writerof The American Agronomist writing for a question about milking tubes, "Those who sell them keep shy of The American Agronomist; so do dealers in humbug, generally. We are desirous of giving any such thing a fair trial, and, have tried, and failed, even to witness a trial of a cow-milker". However, ten years after, in 1878, the same publication softenssatonality all in step really always approving milking tubes; "there was a damage against all the other methods of traireque theobsolete ones, and, admits us to have felt the influence dece damage,and was very careful while being referred to lamachine milking. Aftera personal test, we �t�forc�s to modify our preceding opinions ". The article continues to describe a whole of tubesargent�sfinissant in rubber tubes of India to lead the laitdans abucket. In this moment, The American Agronomist started to accept advertisements for milking machines, although, verylittle were printed. Their expressed opinion was that lestrayeuseswere little of value, but, did not make any evil apparentde badly withthe cows. Large the variety and a many machines trayantesancians canbe classified by category in two groups, those which tried to emulatethe draft of the hand (the dispositifsm�caniques ones of pressure),and those which tried to emulate the calf desuccion (devices ofvacuum). The partisans of the two types detrayeuses proved to be avariety without end of pendantplus objects 50 years, until the modernpulsator did gaining it clearly �la method of aspiration. The milking machines of vacuum earliest used a large cupdegutta-perched, adapting above the whole udder, and sontreli�es to ahand pump. Hodges and Brockenden fixed English unbrevet for such adevice in 1851. In America, AnnaBaldwin made patent such a milkingmachine, using a pump depichet and of a bucket in its illustration ofpatent. In 1859, S.W.Lowe, of Philadelphia, made patent a cup equippedwith undiaphragme with 4 holes for milk. A pump withaspirationop�r�e with the crank drew milk from each of the fourtrayonsimm�diatement. Such devices created an aspiration continuesurthe udder, damaging the fabric mammaire and making fr�quemmentdonnera kick the cow. In 1859, John Kingman, of Dover, NH, made patent a cup detrayon canwith the elastic support for the use with unetrayeuse of pump withaspiration. The first successful use destasses of trayon with amilking machine of vacuum is found in the brevet1860 L.O. Colvin,perhaps of the most famous inventor del' America of the milkingmachines old. This dispositifd' aspiration actuated by lever drew agreat answer from agricultural lapression. The favorable articles arebeen published inside The Newspaper Of Farmer Of Dairy, The Agricultural Gazette, and much of smaller publications. However, the milking machinedeColvin always subjected milk them cow with the constant vacuum,causing blood with the swimming pool there. Colvin sold the patentanglaispour this machine for $5000, and, at least 1500 machines have�t�vendues in England, according to an article inside The Agricultural Gazette. In the UNITED STATES, Colvin was successful, and, continued�apporter of the improvements much more and to acquire new patents. In Scotland, William Murchland invented a very successful milkingmachine devide in 1889, which hung suspended under the cow. Oneaaccord� to him a patent of the UNITED STATES in 1892. The milkingmachine of Murchland, with the milking machine celebrates "thistle",was intensivementexamin�e by the mountain and the agriculturalcompany of Scotland en1898. Many of other milking machines ofaspiration pumped by hand ont�t� conceived in thirty years to come,with the machine of Mehringau foot being, perhaps, finales intrayeusesd' aspiration of pre-pulsator. This machine was congratulateddansune letter with The Slag Of the Cluster in 1898. Two cows could be milked at the same time, to the assistancedecette machine, with the sitting down operator on top is bench,entreles cows, and to work the levers of foot to provide the vacuum.Lamachine of power of foot of Mehring was still launched surle gonewell in the 20th century and much were sold. Fine Unexemple recentlywas noted with one of the exposures deBrimfield, evaluated to $400. The pulsator was presented the first time in the milking machinede"thistle", using a pump of vacuum led by vapor. Tandisque themachine of thistle presented problems of hygiene, ellea proven aneffective milking machine. In The Slag Of the Cluster, in 1898, a critic of the machine of thistle shown �l' exposure ofHamburg censured the machine for its �coulementintermittent, asobserved in the tube of driving glass to the ship delait. This criticwas Dr. Benno Martiny, one of the scientists delaitery more in frontof time. The pulsator, having pourr�sultat this flow intermittent iswhat finally carried out �une milking machine really realizable. TheUSDA finalementexamin� and gave is approval with a milking machinedepulsator in 1898. During the end of the 19me century, whereas much ofinventeursluttaient with the problems of the constant milking machinesof aspiration, others worked with a large variety ofdispositifsmecanic to simulate the draft of the hand. The majority ofcesdispositifs incorporated the rollers or the fingers which haveparintermittence tightened on the trayon, often functioning top enbas.Some of these devices simple, others were sontcompos�s of hundreds ofparts and worked at side desmanivelles. Such mechanical milkingmachines were still faitesbreveter after the turning of the century,in spite of the arrival desmachines of pulsator. The mechanicalmilking machines do not have pucompenser the size changing milk cow astrayantprogress�, and did not milk with the achievement. Theyont�galement forced milk again in the udder. With so much of inventors applying to the task, why led�veloppementof a satisfactory milking machine it ensured 50 years?Cette questionwas perhaps answered in an exit 1879 of The Agricultural Gazette, where a comparison was made with the development of the bindingdegrain. By this year, the 5000 UNITED STATES and the patentsanglaisavaient be file for improvements in r�colteuses.L' articlesuggests that the fast development of the binding of granulatedfacilitated per many test and suggestions by desfermiers. The test ofa binding of grain did not offer any risk, whereas the test of amilking machine could (and) make the grandmal with the cow, or atleast, its dairy production. Fermiers�taient quite naturally littlelaid out to offer to them troupeaucomme guinea-pigs, and this couldhave been the largest obstacle aud�veloppement of the milkingmachine.
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