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COLLECTION: ORIGIN OF HANDBOOK OF GOAT: The United StatesDATENTINCLUS: June 1992 DOCN 000000038 NO GOAT'S MILK of TI E-1AGA INST WITH the G.F. W Haenlein R. COW'S MILK Caccese; U. Delaware,Newark RVD. L Ace; U of state of Pennsylvania, University Park DEMilketmanipulation of Texte1 milk to the majority of the people today,particularly in lespays more developed, the milk of limit issynonomous with laitde cow, as so only the cows have acapacit�singuli�re to produce secretions mammaires. With perhapsnullepart the feeling be more widespread than in the USA, where more10millions of cows are maintained to provide an abundant sourceetpropre food and cooling to our country, producing more than 125billion pounds milk annuellement. Pourtant on a world basis, there aremore people who boiventdu milk of the goats than of any other simpleanimal. Plusde 440 million goats (world) produce 4.8 detonnes millionapproximately of milk which mainly is consumed locally, outransform�in various types of cheeses. 2 here in the USA, which historicallywere one of the denigratorsstaunchest ' ' of the goat puante of '',there is approximativementdes goats million dairy producing milkactively. Lamajeure left the growth in the popularity of goat has�t�le result of an increasing tendency towards reaching acertainemesure of selfsufficiency on behalf of much of people, fordesbuts economic and aesthetic. A goat will eat little, occuperaunsmall sector and a milk product enough for the family moyenne(une goodmilking machine will produce approximately a gallon perday); consid�rant that the prospect to maintain a cow inunearri�re-court surburban is usually more than the propri�taired' ahouse can laid out or to face with Consequently increasinglapopularity ' ' of poor of the cow man ' '. 3 bus the interest forgoats of dairy and their produitscontinue to be gone up, it is obviousthat many false ideas, anomalies and complaints exaggerated areperpetuated. Goat and cow's milk Unecomparaison seems to be in rule,desorte that some damages against the unobtrusive goat's milkpuissent�tre. Moreover, whereas the goat's milk is some peuunique, itis certainly not a magic elixir. 4 one of the ideas distort primaryabout the goat's milk estqu' it has ' ' an odor or a taste goatyparticular of ' ' with him. Ceteffet is produced by the presence ofthe male, with which the glands deparfum are rather odoriferous andcan indeed cause ' ' letype goaty ' ' of object of milk people if itis present parmile herd, particularly to milk time, however, ayezpasthe powerful odor of the male and the milk produced in the absence ofunm�le should not support any r�prehensible odor. mode 5 also playsa great part in the taste of milk dech�vre, like the cow's milk.While cows habituellementsont rather narrowly regulated as for whatthey peuventmanger and when, one often allows goats of consommerunelarge variety of materials constantly, including fast lalecture. Thiskind of food can allow a certain' ' in addition to taste or odor of '' to be transferred to milk, justecomme the cows can produce ' ' amilk aill� of ' ' to leave dequelques pastures spring. What judgestrue for vache�galement is held for the goat; C-with-D. what fate isbas�sur what enters! If goats and the cows arepareillementcontr�l�es, the odor and the taste from both feature aretout� made comparable. the milk of 6 goats is similar to frightenmilk, in basic sacomposition. With the average, the cow's milkcontains environla matter 12.2 0ry (3.2DE9E:0001rotein, grease 3.6,mati�re4.7lactose and 0.7mineral). The goat's milk contains themati�reenviron 12.1 dries (3.40001:0000rotein,3.8377794337129920800000000.000000at, matter). These figuressontseulement of the averages naturally, Ca |
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